Thursday, February 10, 2011

Toby's Cultural Self Portrait

Like I stated in my first blog post, I'm not the biggest reader and it normally takes something very captivating to hold my attention. The opening paragraph completely fascinated me where Toby explained the generations of her family and how each female lived through a time where black people were called different names- "Colored, Negro, and African American." That was the part that really got me thinking about my own heritage and how fortunate I've been to come from parents who both graduated from college and have been blessed enough to send me and all my sisters to private school and 4-year college like George Mason University. As I continued to read the self portrait I realized that the biggest part of my own heritage are the things that I remember growing up that have helped shape who I am today. Being born and raised in a Christian household, praying over every meal and situation whether good or bad, thanking Jesus for every blessing and success that I had and also for preserving me through all the obstacles. I don't want to give too much of a spoiler before I write my own cultural self portrait, but I was really glad that we were given the chance to read this one first because it has definitely started the wheels in my brain turning.

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